Another 75 stocking question?


Active Member
Ok if I get a 75 with a 40 gallon fuge could I get the following.
1 yellow tang
2 perc. clowns
1 mandarin
1 small cleaner fish
would a 40 fuge and 110 of live rock in the display be enough to support the mandarin well, of course I'd wait for the tank to become established
whats a good small cleaner fish or should I just go with many cleaner shrimp?


I have a 75 with a fuge and sump w/ 115+ #'s of lr...your stocking looks fine to me. Make sure you wait on the mandarin. I waited six months but it was not long enough. He grew thin and eventually was eaten by my umbrella mushroom. I don't know about cleaner fish...I have never kept one for fear that it would starve in captivity. I would go with the shrimp. They are cool to look at and will breed monthly, giving your fish and corals a nice snack.


I believe you are not even close to max bioload. For small cleaner fish I like neon gobies get a mated pair you will not have to worry about a parasites whats so ever and good luck on your tank! :)


Member a similiar set-up I have=
yellow tang
lawnmower blenny
tomato clown
diadema gramma
purple firefish
and 3 yellow damsels (someday to be removed and replaced by another firefish)
I feel like I am pushing it a bit with this load, but all my levels are fine and trates are 0. My advice would be add two purple firefish. These guys are so cool to watch and always get a reaction from my friends.
Thumbs up for asking all these questions before you start. You'll save yourself a lot of heart (and wallet) ache.