Another anemone ID



Does look like a leather, but the pic is so grainy. Is there something behind this object that isn't part of the stem, making it look like somthing else?

nm reef

Active Member
Very difficult to ID from that pic...but my first impression was a toadstool leather also. Is it possible to get another pic...or maybe try a few on-line searchs and locate a pic that matchs what you are concerned about?:thinking:


Sorry about the bad picture. I can't seem to take good pics of my tank. That's a pavona in the background.
They're not toadstools because I'm familiar with them. They move around the tank sometimes and contract like an anemone when I touch them. They have small knobby arms. I'm going to link to two more pictures. It looks more like the first one, but it's not such a clear picture. The second picture COULD be that kind. I got these pictures from the seller's site who I got the pavona from, so maybe they're one of the same. Notice how the polyps are closed around these little anemones:


How can I get rid of them? Is it okay to just scrape them off or do I have to treat them like I would aiptasia?