Another anenome question.


weekend before last my anenome let go of his rock and got sucked into the conical grate on the bottom of one of my powerheads. I thought he was a goner, but seems to be coming back. it looks almost like nearly all of his tentacles save for one got about a 2 inch trim. Do tentacles grow back?


Originally Posted by b0gart
weekend before last my anenome let go of his rock and got sucked into the conical grate on the bottom of one of my powerheads. I thought he was a goner, but seems to be coming back. it looks almost like nearly all of his tentacles save for one got about a 2 inch trim. Do tentacles grow back?

Im no expert and IM sure you'll get an answer , but, until you do, I believe the answer is "yes".


Thanks for the hope.....whether it is false or true :)
Actually he looks kinda cool....all of the tentacles are about 3 inches except 1 which is 6-7