another aquarium (maybe)

  • Thread starter angelofdeath132
  • Start date


would i be able to keep a volitan lion and a clown or picasso trigger together in a 90 gal. if so what would i use for a cleanup crew for a tank with these fish in it?


The trigger and lion would be fine together I had a picasso and two volitans and a fu manchu together for a long time with no problems. As far as clean up crew you may be able to have hermits and snails but that would be it and even that I'm not sure. Ask this in the aggressive forum and some others can tell you if they've had problems. HTH


Active Member
I am not so sure if the two would mix all that well. It is hit or miss with triggers and lions. Triggers often decide to nip at the fins of the lions which can mean some serious trouble.


fu mans have short fins, they won't draw as much attention as a volitans with the long flowy fins. I've never had one myself (because triggers are evil) and I've surely never mixed the two, but I've heard a lot of people have had the meaner triggers chomp on the lionfish fins.
But aside from that, I'd really not put a clown trigger in a 90gal. I think you'd have one vicious, large fish in a too small tank with a lot of pretty fins flying around. Just asking for trouble. Perhaps the picassos are more docile, and I know they're a lot smaller.