Another bubble tip anemone question


I recently purchased an orange tip green boubble tip anemone two weeks ago. For the first week it was looking wonderfull and ate twice. For the past week, it has been real deflated, won't accept food and has been turning brownish. I know that anemones deflated from time to time to rid themselves of waste but how long will they stay deflated? I did have a bump on nitrates last week which went up to about 20ish. Since then, (that is with in the past week) I have done a total of 4 small water changes to total about 25 gallons. The tank is a 55 gallon. Day one, 10 gallon change, day 3 5 gallon change, day 6 another 10 gallon change.
I have a huge amount of green star polyps which are thriving, open brains which are looking well but my leathers are looking a little weak also. Is there any connection???
Parameters from last night are:
ammo: 0
Ates: 2 - 5
Ites: 0
PH: 8.4
Alk: 3.6 - 3.8ish
salin: 1.025
Temp: 79


Forgot to mention....
2 175W MH
2 96W PC Smartlight
1 65W PC Blue Actinic
1 Hagen 802 ( in tank )
1 Hagen 402 ( in tank )
1 Rio 600 ( in tank )
1 Rio 1700 Return from sump
In my opinion, lighting and current are optim..


It could be a bacterial infection. Don't do too many frequent water changes. That can have adverse affects. Bubble-tips are the hardiest of the host anemones so that would be my guess. Is it releasing any mucus from its mouth? It may also be adjusting to your light. Depending on what the lighting conditions were in its previous home, anemones will try to adapt by releasing zooxanthellae. Nitrates are a bit high and make sure you have no PH fluctuations during light-off time.