Another Cleaner Shimp Dead???? Whats Going On


OK ive been having problems with cleaner shrimp.... i thought they would be the easyest thing to take care of but its not looking that away for me.... i have also been having problems with keeping my heat up and i think that the reason my cleaner shrimp may have died???? i checked my levels and they are
trites 0
trates 10
ph 8.2
salinity 1.024
temp 73.2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im getting a new heater soon tho
i have 2 perc clowns a YWG and a scotter blenny..... they have been fine and no signes of stress.... what could possibly be killing my shrimp???


Active Member
Do you have any other inverts like snails or crabs and are they doing ok? Whats a ywg?


Dude, replace heater immediatley. Thats just too cold for everyone. Gotta keep it in the 78-82 range... I have 6 shrimp thriving in the 80-82 range... Molting every two weeks or so. They eat just about anything I put in the tank.


Oh by the way, you should do a water change... Anytime your nitrates go past 5, it'd be a good idea, even if its just a 10% water change.


Active Member
1.024 for you salinity may be fine but I have read that inverts like better around 1.026 - that is what I keep mine at and everything is great.
By no means am I telling you that is the problem...just my 2 cents.


ok well i went out yesterday and bought a stealth 200 for my tank and the temp is staying around the same temperature??? i have no idea whats going on here.... could it possibly be my digital thermometer thats not working right??? im clueless and dont want to lose anymore live stock....


I would at the least just get a cheapo thremometer to double check the water temp. This might be a dumb question but is it plugged in? It is doubtful that two heaters would malfunction right after another. Do you have a chiller, is this setting screwed up. Just brainstorming for you!


Active Member
YOu can keep a saltwater reef or fish only tank just fine with a sg of 1.023 to 1.026 and the temp in the 75 to 80 deg range. When yu start to puysh it higher on temnps and sg it may do a lot better but your also opening up your setup to a lot more problems if thigs go crazy........I owuld shoot for something in the middle until you get things to stabilize.....say a 78 or 79 deg and a 1.023 sg....
Buy a electronic thermometer, clinicsal type as used to take your temperature when sick. They are extremely accurate, and cheap (wally world) and you can use it to bump your digital thermo up to and see if its right or wrong.. Make sure your heater is in an area of the tank that gets flow over it so it does dissipate the heated water around it through out the tank. 73 is pretty much a death sentence or at least with sw fish a good chance to cause a case of ich.........


Is it possible that the heater isn't big enough for the tank??
As for the shrimp... it could possibly be your iodine levels


ok thanks for all your guys help and opinions..... now first things first.... the heater is plugged in but im gunna put it in a different spot in my tank and see what happens.... second the shrimp wasnt molting
i sure wish it was though.... then about my iodine levels ive never even heard about that in a tank, so i guess their is a test kit for it i could buy??? i guess i need to go buy one of those.... and again thanks for all your help!!!!


i did do a water change last night and my trates level went down to 0 so thats good now im just waiting for my temp to go up.... it almost to 74


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkh_sd
Dude, replace heater immediatley. Thats just too cold for everyone. Gotta keep it in the 78-82 range... I have 6 shrimp thriving in the 80-82 range... Molting every two weeks or so. They eat just about anything I put in the tank.
Molting every 2 weeks is not normal!!! You better check your iodine levels!!! Cleaner shrimps can die for no apparant reason. You need to keep your Alkaline, Calcium, PH and Iodine in check. Water changes are great to replenish those stuffs. :happyfish


ok i think my digital thermometer may not be working right.... i put a regular thermometer in and it says my temp is around 80-85 its hard to tell but i know its well over 80.... im gunna go get a new digital thermometer soon... or go to my LFS and get it tested.... so cleaner shrimp can die for no reason at all???? thats sucks if so cuz they cost me $16 and thats the 2nd one ive had die on me.... well thanks for all the help


Every once in a while my lawnmower blenny decides to give my shrimp a "kiss". It looks like a big bruise on the side of the shrimp. They are ok when they are small but when they are just right, that's it.
Good Luck


i do have a yellow watchman goby that i think is pretty mean you think he's the one that might be killing my shrimp.... cuz ill see the dead shrimp and then i see the goby take the shrimp into one of the tunnels/caves the goby gaurds...