another clown?


New Member
I have been lurking around this site for over 4 months now (doesn't that sound scary!) Finally decided to ask a question... I have a 55 gal with about 30lb LR. Currently I have a percula clown and royal gramma. I have only had them for 1 month. I would like to get another percula clown to keep the first company. Since both the clown and gramma are territorial I wondered if that is a smart move?
I would also like to get a clown goby (or more than one), they are so cute! Another site said they had to be fed a couple times a day. Is that true? Also, since it is such a small fish, would my sally lightfoot crab eat it ( I also have an emerald crab)?
I have enjoyed reading responses on this site. They are very informative... with a wide range of opinions on any one subject. I look forward to your ideas.


This is what I would do after getting the new fish and just before placing them into the aquarium. I would quarantine the new fishes before putting them into your tank:
1. Get buckets to put your live rocks in
2. Place your rocks into the buckets
3. Siphon water (from your tank) into the buckets, enough to cover the rocks
4. Get a small bucket for your current fish
5. Fill the small bucket with water (from your tank)
6. Remove your fish and place them on the small bucket
7. Put all your rocks back into your fish tank very differently from the way they wore
8. Try to create small housings (like building apartments)
9. Place your new fish into your tank (acclimation is very important)
10. Wait a while before placing your older fishes (1 ,2 Hours)
11. Place your older fish back into the tank (acclimation is very important)
Maybe someone might have a different approach
Good luck!


I think that is a little excessive every time you want to add a fish. it took me two weeks to where I liked where all my rock was. In a 55, I think you would be alright adding the goby. Personally, I wouldn't move all the rock out to add a small fish. Just my two cents.


New Member
I can see how moving the rock will help but I don't really want to do that just to have a second clown. Would the clown just adjust to another one on it's own?
What about the clown goby? Does it really have to be fed twice a day.... is it too small to exist with a sally lightfoot crab?


Do you do that with each fish? How long does that whole process take? Are you trying to break any territorial isssues that other fish feel they have? Just wondering.


You posted:
“Currently I have a percula clown and royal gramma. I have only had them for 1 month. I would like to get another percula clown to keep the first company. Since both the clown and gramma are territorial I wondered if that is a smart move?”
If they are territorial, try moving the rocks around
You posted:
“I would also like to get a clown goby (or more than one)”
So, AustinReef, he is planning on getting more than one fish.
You posted:
What about the clown goby? Does it really have to be fed twice a day.... is it too small to exist with a sally lightfoot crab?
To be honest, I don’t keep any crabs in my tank for that same reason. It is risky. Clown goby are great additions but small, they tend to hang around rocks as if they wore statues. Staying unmovable for so long can be easy pray. AS for feeding, I can only feed one time in the morning and after I come home from work. They seem to anticipate feeding and they come to the front of the tank. They get used to getting fed at these times.
If you don’t feel like moving your rocks, well, you would just have to keep an eye on the behavior of your current fish.


Stumpdog, If I have to, yes.
And I won’t be moving 30lbs, I’ll be moving 150lbs.
Stirring your sand is not good, moving your rock is an ok thing.
Remember that you will only do it once… how long are you planning on adding fish?


I have a Sally and 3 emeralds with a Maroon, Green Chromis, and a Coral Beauty. They all get along great. I have NEVER seen aggression from any of the livestock. The Marroon and Chromis go right up to the Sally (which is bigger than both of them) and he could care less, just keeps on looking for food. I guess its a hit and miss! Best of luck.


New Member
Thanks. I guess nothing is a "sure thing". One thing I have learned on this site is that everyone has different experiences with similar livestock. I know crabs can sometimes be problematic but they sure are fun to watch!:D


Active Member
First I will go on the record of saying I don't think it is a very good idea to add a second perc but if you are set on it, moving some of the rock might help, I don't know if I would take it all out seems like a lot of work. If you can get the first perc out you could introduce them in a QT tank (after the new addition is through QT period of course). Then they could be introduced to the new looking tank at the same time. Also I believe you should pick a new perc that is smaller than the one you have. Now these are just a few suggestions, I have not done this personally so take it or leave it.


Active Member
If I've missed something forgive me. I think there is no reason to move your live rock at all.
yes you can add another percula with the one you have. Get a smaller or close to same size. One of them will change to female and be the larger of the two. I don't really think you will have problems with percs. The worst I would expect is they will go to opposite sides of the tank for a while.
I never fed my yellow clown goby more than once a day when I fed the other fish. A sally lightfoot and an emerald crab should not be a danger to a healthy fish. They only go for something that is on deaths door or already dead.
Royal grammas are territorial, but they are more into posturing than fighting. The worst I've seen mine do is face off with a fish when it gets into it's territory and open it's mouth really wide as if to scare off the other fish.
My experience only. HTH


New Member
Thanks. I have seen the posturing from the Royal Gramma toward the perc. I worried alittle about it at first but it doesn't seem to bother the perc anymore... he just swims by! Fun to watch!