another clownfish ailment?


New Member
My clown has black spots on his side. Could the be from hosting in a flowerpot- rubbing against it at night when its closed? This isnt the best pic, but you can see the spots.


Staff member
Wow, that is interesting. I'd like to see what terry says. How is the fish doing besides these spots? What about that whiteish area?
Any other sick fish? How long have you had this clown?


New Member
I've had the clown for a few months. It's been acting fine otherwise; swimming around like normal, eating like normal. The whiteish area is something on the glass I think.


New Member
I have another clown which has some of the black spots too. I also have a royal grama, firefish goby, green chromis, and a scooter blenny and they all seem fine. My parameters are all normal.