Another Coral ID


Active Member
This was in a shop I frequent. What is it? I think it is beautiful but, I am wondering if they are hard to take care of. LFS had it labled as a flower pot but, I have my doubts.


Active Member
p.s, rye, thanx for the cam lessons, i think im getting the hang of it. i do have some more ques about the macro lens, im gonna email you tomorrow
thanks jon


Active Member
well yeaaaaaaahh! snooch to the mutha bleepin booch!
god i love that guy and all of his silly movies. i am just hoping that most people klnow who that is and that its not a pic of me!
:D ;) :D


Active Member
I couldn't believe when I saw your avatar because I was thinking of doing one of Jay. Scary man. I would be flattered to look like that tubby bi*ch. Nooge.


Active Member
i was just worried, i mean if i could find a pic of chris farley, it would probably ube up there faster than a 13 year old in a strip culb, but lunchbox, is just so damn cool


Yeah I call my baby boy lunchbox as he is a bit round at the moment. Mallrats is one my alltime favs. Clerks right behind. I really liked all the inside stuff on Jay and Silet Bob too. I saw Jay and Silent Bob action figures at the mall have you seen them?


Active Member
oh man the lipstick thing was the funniest/grossest thing ive ever seen. yeah those figures are pretty badass. talk about a totally off topic subject huh? mallrats def is one of my faves. jay and sb strike back is great, as is clerks, there all just too friggin good. and then biggety bam, we dance on the ruins of the stupid stage


Active Member
man you know one of these nights, while all of us late people are up, we need to start just a ridiculous silly post that would throw everyone off in the morning. i think it would be funny


Active Member
I saw bluntmam and chronic action figures at the comic store not to long ago, I keep meaning to go back and get them. "I make that $*!% work!" :D


Active Member
you have to be carefull with the alveaporas most of them only live for about six months and are hard to care for as far as i know


Active Member
Alevopora sp. has 12 tentacles per polyp
Goniopora has 24 tentacles per polyp
isn't actually a 'true' goniopora, but is actually easier to care for, compared to the goniopora
, and most of the time has a branching growth going on. I had one in my tank, which at first I thought was some species of SPS, that lasted 7 months, before it died out for no reason.
Good luck!