Another Death :'(



Before I left for school yesterday I fed my fish
I forgot to put the tank cover back on
My flame hawkfish decided to jump out and explore the world outside the tank
Unfortunately there is no water outside the tank :(
I buried him yesterday in the backyard he was one of my favorite fish his name was Dum-Dum (because he kinda looked like the easter island statue from Night at the Museum)
He was one of the first fish I had in the aquarium

Dum Dum
A Great Fish


Active Member
i heard of a guy who found his clownfish outside of the tank on the floor stuck to the carpet. think it happened within the same day. well, he thought the least he could do was put it in the tank just to see since his daughters were sad. he said he began to see it gasp for air and slowly it came to and began bumping into things until it recovered later on. just thought that was weird
sorry for the loss though


Man so sorry. i think ur avatar is how every one feels when they loose anything in our tanks. s.i.p dum-