another dwarf lion question


So I have this dwarf lion. Put him in my tank. Fed him frozen Krill the first day and he ate it like crazy. He ate it for almost most 10 days. Then he decided he wasn't going to eat it anymore. Not even look at it. He would go up to it the first couple of days and nip at it and realise it was krill and then ignore it. So i tried for almost 10 days everything I could do. Put it on a feeding stick by his mouth, garlic, squid. Nothing. Thought he was gonna die. cause he was not interested in eating at all. he totally recognises me when I feed him and isn't afraid. The other fish are not picking on him.
So I went to the lfs today and bought some live rosies as a final try. He ate them like a champoin. He went crazy. Never saw him act that enthused before. Its great he is eating but how am I gonna get him to eat frozen preparations. Or am I gonna have to feed him rosies forever.
any help. Or do I got one stubborn fish who won't eat what he doesn't like.


Variety, you fed it the same thing for too long. Try shrimp, scallop, whitefish. squid, octopus, lobster, crab, whatever. All can be bought at the supermarket. Even throwing in some krill once in a while hell probably take it again soon.