another eel question.


I am having the hardest time feeding my 6inch. snowflakeeel. I have a trigger and a hawkfish that have been trying to catch and eat my eel since i got it 2mos. ago. the eel is quite shy and does not know to defend itself when it comes to feeding. the eel eats quite well when it can get some food. i have prongfed it several times, but the trigger and hawk attack the prong, food and eel at feeding time. I try to feed them all together to distract the other fish and this does not work. i have put food in the cracks of the rocks for the eel and this does not work. if anyone has a unique or ingenious way of feeding eels, and/or keeping the other fish from trying to catch and eat it, please respond to this.


There be only one way for you to have the SFE to feed and that is that your so young a juvenile eel be in its own tank. Its never a good idea to add so small a docile eel in a aggressive tank. :(


Yeah, 6 inches is quite small for an eel in an aggressive tank. It probably looks delicious to your other fish. I'd try to put a few pieces of food in the rocks where the eel hangs out so it can have some cover during meal time. If it doesn't eat them right away... it will eventually I would guess. Or here's an idea. Put some food in the bottom of a piece of pvc with a cap on the end. The eel will likely appreciate the exclusive hiding spot, and will hopefully find the food.


Originally Posted by OMOTS
The odds be is that it will attract the other fish as well>
right, but presumably the 6 inch snowflake is the only one that will be able to fit in, say, a 1/2 inch piece of pipe.