Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?



Hang in there Jerth... I have said a prayer for you today and for your wife as well as meowser today as I was doing my daily...


Active Member
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/385881/another-er-visit-down-how-many-more/100#post_3441099
Jerth, is everything alright? I am getting very concerned....
Well.... no.....
Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/385881/another-er-visit-down-how-many-more/100#post_3441113
Thanks for bumping this thread again. Its been nearly a week since Jerth has logged in.
Lets hope he does soon with great news.
I appreciate your concern.
Originally Posted by travelerjp98
Thanks for the ending to the prayer brother travler!
Just an update to my absence.
October 17- November 19 hospitalized in SF for her gastroparisis
New G tube
New J tube
Porta Cath
Sent home on:
Major meds
She doesn't do well once home, going to ER 4 times between Nov. 19 and Dec. 13.
Dec 13- She was taken to ER for temp of 103 and tubes draining profusely, they sent her home as neither were apparent while there..... Go figure.....
Dec 14- Took her back to ER, where they saw the major drainage from the G tube, they draw blood cultures. They hospitalize her.
That night they record her temperature at 103.4 F.
Next day no change, tubes going nuts draining and her stomach acids are eating holes in her skin. I leave for the night, Mother-in-law replaces me as we are in Utah, near home.
Next morning I get a frantic call, "Chelsea could die!" My mother-in-law states to me, "What?" I ask, she then proceeds to explain that they found Candida Glabrata, a yeast infection in the blood. She proceeded to explain to me that if it is attached to her heart valves, they have to do open heart surgery RIGHT NOW! They were in the process of rushing her down for a echocardogram, as she was explaining it to me.
The next little while was a blur for me, I think I took my kids to my grandmas, but all I remember now is that I was at the hospital with her as soon as they had her results.......
Negative.... It had not stuck to her valves..... that was a huge relief. They had said if it had her chances of survival was 50/50. They hit her with Mycifungin, an anti fungal for the treatment. They remove the porta cath, as the yeast could of stuck to it.
Dec. 21: She is still in hospital, No signs of yeast in blood any more, but there is something strange with her blood cultures. Nurse states "something staff"...... What do you mean "Something staff?" The Disease control Dr's will come in and explain it. They came in and told us she had a blood culture come up positive for Staff infection and streap, BUT they thought it was a contaminated sample.
48hr later: IT was negative!!!!!!!!!!!
She got out in time for CHRISTMAS!!!!
New MIC button J tube
New MIC button G tube
Pic line
J tube
G tube
Porta Cath
No new allergies...... Good thing, as she is up to 10 different meds......
Sent home on:
Tube feeds
So this is kinda why I have slacked from my duties of being a SWF harasser!
But I should be back for now.....

But my shout outs to those who follow, WE APPRECIATE you continued support and prayers. They do make a difference! If you ever want to talk to me, or cheer me up, I RESPOND to PM's!!!!
Her new motto is "If it can go wrong, ITS HAPPENED TO ME!!" lol


After our last PM I was praying that things would turn around and she'd make it home for the holidays. I'm so glad that she was able to be home with you and the kids. Let's hope that 2012 is a better year!


Active Member
You, your wife and family will always be in my prayers. Here's to an great 2012 that will lead to many improvements in her health.


Active Member
Well it was fun while it lasted... she is back at the ER with the possibility of having the Yeast blood infection back. It takes 24 hrs to culture to find out....... No good..... Well it was worth the hope!