Another feeding idea, but will it work?


Ok here is my plan:
i go to my grocery store and buy squid, shrimp, clam, and maby some scallops, Deshell them and grind them up in the blender with some galic juice, Once im dont shredding them, I spread the seafood on a dehydrator (sp?) sheet and start dehydrating (sp?) it. Once it fully try i crack it into little pieces and put it in a bag, when feeding i soak it in water to rehydrate (sp?) it and feed it to my fish..
Will this work?


Sure, but why dehydrate it? Freeze it in thin sheets and use it that way.


You also might add some Zoe or other vitamin suppliment in addition to the garlic. I would recommend freezing also, a lot quicker and easier.


Active Member
Who you feeding it to...??
Clam shells might hurt the blender, but I'd suggest leaving the shrimp shell/legs/vein on for extra nutrition...


Active Member
Who you feeding it to...??
Clam shells might hurt the blender, but I'd suggest leaving the shrimp shell/legs/vein on for extra nutrition...
Plus "dehydrating" it will stink up the house worse/longer than just the "blending" (which your Mom's gonna the way...:D )


I know that why i said i would remove the shells, lol.
Feeding two scissortails gobys, false perca, and soon to be a school of 5 chromis (dont know which ones yet but i think i'll get yellow)


you really dont need to dehydrate can just use ice cube trays and freeze them. that way you'll have individual servings the size you want.


CindySki: Nope you keep it raw.
I'v never been good at freezing stuff(always ends up with frezzer burn), would dehydrating it bake it, or make it none usable?


New Noob - You shouldn't have a prob with freezer burn provide you buy baggies marketed for "freezer".
I personally would say away from the ice cube trays as you wouldn't want you Mom mixing up her ice tea with them on accident. (That is unless you have a freezer or something in you garage)


Active Member
what about those pop out things you buy asprins in? they are small and if you clean them well would those work? then just slip them in a baggy and pop out a nice sized piece, but not to big like an icecube tray?



Originally posted by jrpage
New Noob - You shouldn't have a prob with freezer burn provide you buy baggies marketed for "freezer".
I personally would say away from the ice cube trays as you wouldn't want you Mom mixing up her ice tea with them on accident. (That is unless you have a freezer or something in you garage)

Lol yeah she'd be pretty pissed, so could I spread it out in a frezzer bag and just crack of little pieces and thaw it?


sorry cCindySki i forgot to read your post, But what a great idea, im going to do that, they are about the same size of the cubes you can buy at your LFS, thaw and feed, as easy as that.


Active Member
nope, those are my girls. we are on a cruise ship and they are on our balcony looking out at the water. i love that pic. :cheer:
you'll find a pic of me in that photo album thread. :rolleyes: :eek: