Another fish compatability question


Earlier I asked about compatability with another fish to go into my tank. After we decided this was not the fish for us, my daughter and I did some research for another fish and came up with 2 possibilities. First I currently have a 150G fowler tank with a foxface, dwarf lion, blue tang and soon to be flame angel(currently in QT). We were hoping for either a flame hawkfish and/or a bicolor goatfish. I read on another site that the hawkfish was not compatible with the lion. Is this true?
I had a hard time finding any info on the goatfish as far as compatability though. Any help would be appreciated!!


the reason that the lion probably isn't compatible with the hawk fish is cause they will compete for a lot of the same foods otherwise i don't see why they can't be put together. the goat fish on the other hand probably not a good choice for you unless you got a lot of free time. these goat fish are very demanding and need constant feedings as they have high metabolisms. also if you do get one they often have intestinal worms so they will need to be treated for that before putting them into your display tank. they will also destroy your whole invert population of your tank so if you have anything like snails, hermits, crabs, or even copepods i hear they will eat it.


Active Member
What about a different size fish. Maybe some anthias, or a wrasse, or even one of the medium angels?


I didn't think I could put another angel in the tank with the flame angel. Saw a pink square anthias today at the LFS, that looked really neat. Would this work with my tank. I also saw a wathcman goby that my daughter liked. I read that these are not compatable with lions though. Would this include a fuzzy dwarf lion which is what I have. The goby I saw today was bigger than the lion.