Another fish?

jimmy g

I have a very mean maroon clown fish that wont let me put any peacefull fish in the same tank.....I am looking for a fish that will fit in my 29 gallon and can hold his own with the maroon.

barry cuda

I don't know if you're going to get anything small enough for a 29 that can compete with the maroon...they're feisty little buggers.

jimmy g

Maybe some damsals....I mean I really dont want to get rid of him because I just got a RBTA for him. but then again I want more fish

barry cuda

Damsels might be a good choice. In that 29, no fish will have room to get out of your maroon's territory, so it better be able to hold its own. A blue devil or domino or something might just work out, though. Maybe go down to the LFS and get the meanest one in their display tank :D You could have an interesting twist on the "aggressive" tank with nothing but small fish.
I think tank size is a big factor. Our 3" maroon was returned to the LFS by her original owner because she was terrorizing her 29. In our 100g there have been no problems so far.


If you really want a maroon take him back do the rest of your fish and then put one in. It's still a risk but you'll have a much better chance.