Another great Experience


Active Member
Just wanted to share that I've received yet another perfect fish order. Arrived two days after request and all animals in great shape. Add great prices and a 6 day guarantee, you can't go wrong!
(an unpaid indorsement;) )

sinner's girl

what fish/inverts did you order? Did you find them to be small?


Active Member
Kole Tang about 2.5", cleaner shrimp 1", 3 peppermints ~.75", neon goby (ok, this guy was teeny), pistol shrimp ~1", astrea snails (normal size).
All in all I thought they were a good size. I was especially pleased with kole because I didn't want one of those quarter size tangs. They went in three different tanks so acclimating was a shore.........


I also just recieved an order from SWF (my third).....the sizes were excellant. I did have a DOA shrimp, but I followed directions and have received a credit confirmation from SWF. Can't ask for more than that!!!!


Active Member
Bo, he looked great. It looked like it might be the tiger variety. Hard to tell. I'll try to "snap" a pic tonight. He's been secretive since going in the tank. I'm hoping it hooks up with my goby. We'll see.