another i went to caroles house bag of pics

nm reef

Active Member
Absloutely great set of pics...I've long believed that digital photography and reef aquariums go hand in hand!!! Thanks for the detailed peek at a truely beautiful reef!!!:eek:


Waterfaller1 - That is an exceptional tank you have created.
Skirrby - I know it says electrician in the occupation, perhaps you've missed your calling. Awesome shots.


carole -
does your glown goby ever munch on any of the sps's? I've been told they do so always stayed away from one.


Active Member
they both ate a patch of it the size of them thne went to the glass. now they are on the rocks... ill have to put thme back on the hair algea i guess... they stick toghether like best friends though.. kinda cool.. and im happy to see some od the gsp opening when i got home from work today. k carole ill email you it all here in a few