Another ICH question...


If one fish in a tank has only a couple of spots that MIGHT be ich and is taken out to be QTed right away, what are the chances of the others getting it as well?
From what I understand once ich is in the tank it is in there till you remove all fish to QT for a period of around 30 days and let the tank to go fallow and thus killing all of the disease. Meanwhile hypo can be conducted in QT to completely erradicate the disease and the fish readmitted to the tank.
Now as far as removing that fish to save the others. I would say if you removed the fish in question it would increase it chances greatly if treated but the other fish in the tank would have the same chances of contracting the disease either way. Stress free fish have a pretty good resistance to the disease so if everyone else is happy everything might be fine.


Explanation: I noticed two small white dots on my yellow tang (he's been in the tank for months now) and now, since reading all the posts on this board, I'm freaking out that it's ich. Am I just overreacting or are the chances strong that it is?


Active Member
Have there been any new additions to the tank in the past month? If not there is a good chance you are just overreacting. If you did add a fish recently, it could be early in the disease process.
If there are only two spots visible you should have time to just watch your fish closely before you do anything else. You could certainly set up a QT to have partially cycled if the tang gets worse. QT's are helpful so you don't have to worry about this happening in the future. If it is just a scratch or sand the tang will recover; if its ich tangs will usually get worse.
Sometimes another fish will bring in ich but as the tangs seem to be ich magnets the disease becomes apparent on them first.


Yes, a bicolor blenny was added about 3 weeks ago, as well as a pair of small perculas, but they're showing no signs. I'm new to this board and just followed SWF's acclimation instructions, which don't mention anything about QT.
I can set up a QT in no time, but should I just leave the tang in the display to see if it worsens? I'd hate to stress him out if it's not ich...
If it does worsen, at what point should I take him out?


Active Member

Originally posted by elfdoctors
If there are only two spots visible you should have time to just watch your fish closely before you do anything else.

If you are planning any more additions soon I would set up the QT tank now. If the tang does have ich, you will have to treat all of the fish and usually leave the display tank fishless for a month. If you can get the QT at least partially cycled it will be safer for your fish (or future additions).
Sometimes it will seem like ich goes away and then within a few days it comes back worse, This would be the time to remove the fish.