Another Ich question


I have a 210 and have Live rock ,sand,inverts and 30 fish.2 of my fish have Ich.Should I pull them out and put them in a QT?Will the Ich in my main tank die off?thanks


Also,is this possible.I woke up this morning to see my tomato clown covered in white spots.I just looked again an hour later and there are almost no spots on him..


Originally Posted by Beth
How many fish, and how much LR?

Around 30 fish
20 snails
10 hermit crabs
150lbs live rock
100lbs live sand
I just ordered a UV light.Maybe that will help.I also just set up a QT. The only thing is if I try and catch that Hippo tang and clown fish I might stress out the other fish and they will get it.The Ich is in the tank.I have been soaking the food in garlic.They all have been eating and look healthy.Just the spots on the tang and clown fish has me worried.
Maybe I should just wait and see what happens.My nitrates are a little high,my salinity is 1.021 and 0 nitrites 0 ammonia.My water Temp is a little high at 82degrees.Going to do another water change tonight...


New Member
UV may help
QT will definitely help. Just provide cover in the QT. Perhaps low levels of formalin or copper sulfate. Make sure they keep eating.
However, if the fish don't seem disturbed, it may not be worth pulling them o ut. Consider a skunk cleaner shrimp rather than any sort of more messy solution.


Looks like the ich is not effecting the fish.The Hippo tang lost most of the white spots.I think the garlic is working.Yeah :)