another ick outbreak question.


My husband has added 2 fish to our tank. A coral beauty, and a regal tang. Well, we have an ick outbreak. I don't have a qt tank, or the funds to get one right now. Could I have some ideas on what to do? I have about 35 pounds of live rock, 20 turbo snails. a sally light foot, emerald crab, hermits, xenia, trumpet coral, galaxia corals, and a gorgonian. 6 fish total, coral beauty, sleeper goby, scooter blenny, friedmani, false perc, and a regal tang. Also a bubble tip anemone...All in a 55 gallon. I don't want to lose my's very early in the game, so I'm hoping there is something I could do. I would appreciate any info. I don't know anything about the copper treatment. Also, would it help to take everything out and put it in rubbermaid with a power head? I think I read something about that here too. Sigh...then all my sand would be dead. okay, suggestions, please. Thanks.


Active Member
your hands are kinda tied with that setup :( sorry. copper or hyposalinity in the tank would kill all your inverts. a cleaner shrimp would help, but once ich is to a point at which you notice it, often it is beyond the level at which a cleaner shrimp can control. there are some meds to treat ich that claim to be 'reef safe'. on that it'd be your call; i've never tried them, but perhaps someone here will chime in with some experience in that regard. setting up a quarantine or hospital tank would certainly help...but if the $$ isn't there it's not there. good luck! and hope this helps. -leigh


New Member
Can you get good water? cause to me thats most important if your amonia, nitrates bla bla bla are to high, gotta change water. if you got a R/O filter and UV steri. fine but if not... clean garbage cans, buckets anything to hold water. The longer the better cause of the heavy metal, take a week or more to get rid of.
ph buffer need that too.
lots of salt.
copper for fish, worked for me. they (tang, coral bueaty, hawk) are in hypo and love it. they are in a 25gal long ...
money is tight, get anything to hold water the longer they are in the tank the more fish you are going to lose... three 5 gal buckets cascading into each other with a pump in the last, for a copper set up sounds cheap to me. get creative fast
I would leave the inverts in the tank and get the fish out. once the fish are out good tank clean'in is in order..


Staff member
You can set up a cheap QT by using a rubbermaid storage container.
I'm afraid there is no choice.