Another ID Rquest


Ok everyone, I found some more stuff I need ID's on
1. White Coraline ?
2. Sponge ? Mushroom ?
3 pest anemone ?
4. pest anemone ?
5. sponge ?



Active Member
In #3 are the tentacles mainly on the outside part of the disk?
#4 looks like aiptasia ... could be wrong though.
#5 looks like a type of sponge to me.


#2 looks like a sponge to me #3 looks like a bubble tip. #4 is definitely a pest anemone, either aiptasia or mojano


Originally Posted by matty0h_52
i was told when the coraline turns white its dyeing off. whats your Calcium readings and alk too

sorry it took so long to answer.. my readings are
Temp: 81
KH 7.4
Ammonia 0
Phos 0
calcium 500
PH 8.4
SG 1.026
Salinity 35
Nitrate 0.25
Nitrite 0
the only place I see that white stuff is on that one pump. I have lots of green and pink (mostly pink) coraline.


Originally Posted by bigarn
In #3 are the tentacles mainly on the outside part of the disk?
#4 looks like aiptasia ... could be wrong though.
#5 looks like a type of sponge to me.

#3 Yes
#4 can aiptasia be clear ?
#5.. thanks


Originally Posted by ithorian_r
#2 looks like a sponge to me #3 looks like a bubble tip. #4 is definitely a pest anemone, either aiptasia or mojano

#2 Thanks
#3 I thought it was bubble tip too at first, but it has the longer foot and goes right down into the rock, like the pest anemones do.. so I wasn't sure
#4.. I kinda thought so, but never seen any clear like that.


Originally Posted by MN1467
Number 3 looks like a small Bubble tip the other three I cant tell
I thought it was bubble tip at first too, but it has a longer foot that goes right into the rock, so that kinda confused me.


thanks Bigarn, thats what I thought, but was a little confused cause of the bubble like appearance.. I know its a mojano disquised as a bubletip..


yup.. thats what mine looks like, only smaller than that and brown in color.. does somewhat resemble a bubbletip though..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
1 Coralline
2 Sponge
3 Majano
4 Curly Q anemone
5 Sponge
Ditto to all these IDs.