Another Lighting Question for Anemones


I know MH is the best. But cost, room (tank clearance), heat, and energy are the reasons I don't want to go that route on this tank which is a 55 gallon 48X13X20 by the way. So here is the set up I'm looking at:
Qty Description
2 46 1/2 - 110 watt - VHO URI 50/50 fluorescent bulbs
2 46 1/2 - 110 watt - VHO URI Blue Actinic fluorescent bulbs
1 Electronic ARO Model 4L VHO Ballast
I've priced the parts I would need online for around 280 which is in my price range and this set up will fit in my hood, and the lights will be approximately 5 to 6 inches off the top of the water.
If you go with the whole watts per gallon rule that’s 8 watts per gallon actually about 10 if you factor in all the water displacement (sand, LR). I know the watt rule is very debatable. I've been doing allot of reading on here: Par, Kelvin....on and on. (Good info) So, does this set up meet the requirements to keep anemones healthy?
Thanks in advance.


I definitly want one that will host clowns. The four types I've been looking at are bubble tip, condy, Long tentacle/corkscrew, and carpets. One of the LFS has a carpet thats currently hosting a maroon clown or black clown I can't remember now its been about a week since I saw it, but I was thinking about buying as a set. But I need better lighting first.


Active Member
those types of anenomes have to have MH lighting .as for the cost of purchasing MH units Retros are no more expencive than a good set of VHo or PC just depends on the brand you want magnetic ballest run less in cost for purchase but do draw a bit more more power to run than electronic ballest do bu i do reccommend doing some searching on the net to compare cost of various brands of halides hamiltons are very good and one of the least expencive you buy a new ballest for around 100 bucks ranging from 175w up to 400 watts.


Originally Posted by unleashed
those types of anenomes have to have MH lighting .as for the cost of purchasing MH units Retros are no more expencive than a good set of VHo or PC just depends on the brand you want magnetic ballest run less in cost for purchase but do draw a bit more more power to run than electronic ballest do bu i do reccommend doing some searching on the net to compare cost of various brands of halides hamiltons are very good and one of the least expencive you buy a new ballest for around 100 bucks ranging from 175w up to 400 watts.
Here we go again with the metal halide thing...Metal halides are still over rated. Thay are hot to run and expensive on electricity. I have some that i hardly even use i still use them but rarely. I have bubble tips and 2 sebaes and purple condies under pc 50/50 and they are thriving and are very healthy and unbleached. They take a beating from the clownfish they host as the clownfish are brutal and territorial. Mine have been doing just fine under pc lighting for over 2 years... If youd like pictures i can provide to prove that YOU DONT HAVE TO HAVE METAL HALIDES!!! So im begging the posting parties out there to stop saying that we all have to have metal halides to have an anemone because it gets old.


Originally Posted by Goblin
I definitly want one that will host clowns. The four types I've been looking at are bubble tip, condy, Long tentacle/corkscrew, and carpets. One of the LFS has a carpet thats currently hosting a maroon clown or black clown I can't remember now its been about a week since I saw it, but I was thinking about buying as a set. But I need better lighting first.
440W of VHO would be pletny of light on a 55G to keep almost any anemone thriving!
The bubble tip will love it, Condy will too (But may not host clowns). LTA's will do fine also. Carpets may need a little more. They are one of the most light demanding anemones.
Originally Posted by Goblin
I know MH is the best. But cost, room (tank clearance), heat, and energy are the reasons I don't want to go that route on this tank which is a 55 gallon 48X13X20 by the way. So here is the set up I'm looking at:
Qty Description
2 46 1/2 - 110 watt - VHO URI 50/50 fluorescent bulbs
2 46 1/2 - 110 watt - VHO URI Blue Actinic fluorescent bulbs
1 Electronic ARO Model 4L VHO Ballast
I've priced the parts I would need online for around 280 which is in my price range and this set up will fit in my hood, and the lights will be approximately 5 to 6 inches off the top of the water.
If you go with the whole watts per gallon rule that’s 8 watts per gallon actually about 10 if you factor in all the water displacement (sand, LR). I know the watt rule is very debatable. I've been doing allot of reading on here: Par, Kelvin....on and on. (Good info) So, does this set up meet the requirements to keep anemones healthy?
Thanks in advance.

This has been an argument for a long time on these forums

I have had an anemone(the same one or one of its clones) since '99 or so under 440 watts of VHO lighting. This is not to say that everyone will be successful using this, and your chances of keeping one alive may increase with MH. But I will say that keeping an anemone is not dependant on lighting alone.
The anemone is a green bubble tip.


I know some people always say you have to have MH lighting. If thats true what did people use before the introduction of MH lighting? Did nobody keep anemones before? I'm sure they did. Thats why I never understood why people always say you have to have MH lighting. I here they are the best lighting around today. Thanks for all your replies.


Active Member
I don't believe it's a matter of what type of lighting you have, but it depends on how much you have. You can definitely keep some nice anemones under PC/VHO if you have enough of it, but in many cases it would be a wiser decision to just go with halides.
I'm also sure people kept anemones before metal halides were used, but I bet there were a heck of a lot more anemone deaths also.