another LR question


Hello all. I'm sure it is but i just want to make sure.......... is it allright to add more LR while my tank is going through its first big cycle? I would like to get as much rock in the tank now so i don't have to cycle it again later. The rock is uncured, so my guess is that i can. Better now than later. Just making sure. any advice would be great......Thanks in advance :)

nm reef

Active Member
Yup....I added 45 lbs of fiji LR mid way through my first cycle and all has worked out. It will have considerable die off and in my situation it seemed to extend the cycle considerably. I'd suggest removing as much of the dead/dieing stuff as possible. Actually its a good way to cycle a new my opinion better than damsels that you'll wish later you didn't have.
After everything settles and the cycle completes finish off with select piecies of fully cured LR and continue developing your reef. Keep us posted on your progress...*_^


Active Member
i agree, definitely ok, the only thing that it may do is maybe prolong the cycle a little, but then again, if it is well cured, it may also help to speed it up a bit tooo
so anyway worse case senario is that it prolongs it a bit, but you risk no critters by adding now, however adding later, if any problems arise, you could risk fish and inverts, os myself i would add now if i were palnning to add more in the near future anyhow(vs waiting til after the cycle)
HTH and good luck


Add as much as you can now...I waited out the first cycle then added about 65# and it started my cycle all over again...good luck