Another Marxist official ready to go


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
So, what about the Cap and Trade ( tax) for the "feared" Global warming (climate change or whatever they call it this week)?
Al Gore is pulling much more out of my pockets than Beck ever will.
Al Gore will get us globalized, through fear, not Beck.
Dang guys, since I am so popular around here perhaps I shall write a manifesto called Fishtaco's Political Beliefs. LOL
I am against Cap and Trade, and think Gore is the worst kind of hypocrite. In the meantime I do grow a whole lot of my own food and it is all organic and am against the use of any herbicides or pesticides, recycle as much as possible, have a composter, working on getting enough money together to convert to solar and gas etc. So I am a

greenie when it comes to what is going on with my couple of acres of heaven since it feeds me and my wife.
Is there some law here that says I can't think both Gore and Beck are complete tools?



Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Dang guys, since I am so popular around here perhaps I shall write a manifesto called Fishtaco's Political Beliefs. LOL
I am against Cap and Trade, and think Gore is the worst kind of hypocrite. In the meantime I do grow a whole lot of my own food and it is all organic and am against the use of any herbicides or pesticides, recycle as much as possible, have a composter, working on getting enough money together to convert to solar and gas etc. So I am a

greenie when it comes to what is going on with my couple of acres of heaven since it feeds me and my wife.
Is there some law here that says I can't think both Gore and Beck are complete tools?

It's just we always hear the L accusing the R of fear mongering when they are as guilty if not more ( global warming, medicare, etc).
Remember the 1990's when the evil republicans were going to cut off the funding to grandma and grandpa?