Quote:Originally Posted by
sandy1 http:///t/397154/another-newbie#post_3538977
Thanks for the info, I will check out the book. Did you have an opinion on the HOB CPR refugium question.
I will not comment on that particular refugium.
But in general a refugium full of macro algaes will be the most important peice of equipment IMHO.
On my old 55g for instance I just crammed in 1/4" plastic grid lighting diffusers (egg crate) 3" in front of the back glass.
So the area between the back glass and egg crate formed a protected area where macros and pods thrived.
and also added a couple of 4' 2 tube utility shoplights behind the tank pointing forward.
in 3 weeks nitrates droped (from 80ppm-160ppm) to unmeasurable. Phosphates a few weeks later.
Meanwhile the fish like my tangs were constantly grasing on the macros the poked through the egg crate.
the tank ran for 6 years with no water changes, landscape rocks, sand and crushed coral, diy 2 part dosing for cal/alk/mag, and using untreated tap water.
still just my .02