Another Newby Question


Hi there,
For those of you that are familiar with know that I ask all. Here is another question that caught my attention.
Does anyone know the expected life span of marine tropical fish in their natural habitat?
Does anyone know the expected life span of marine tropical fish in a home aquarium?
(ie. Surgeons, Triggers, Angels (both), Butterflies, Damsels, Anthias, Foxface (Rabitfish) and Hawkfish)

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I do not believe you can ever get an accurate life span of fish in the open ocean that we keep in our tanks Just to many variables. Time of birth, death by disease, old age or as most die from, a predator. The same goes for fish in captivity. There are just to many variables.


Well-Known Member
Too many variables to give a definate answer.
I've heard of some marine fish living in captivity for 20+ years
I've also heard the same for freshwater fish.


Well 100 people viewed this question and only 2 replied. I am concludig that no one has an idea of how long this fish live. The 2 that replied suggested that it is too complicated to figure it out, I agree with them. Thanks for your replies.