another pich


Active Member
yes still looks like Ich. How are they swimming? Are they darting around? Are they rubbing themselves against rocks? Any new additions? We also need to find out why Ich has occurred.
All the best,


New Member
To answer Terry B ..Yes there are some fine air bubbles in my tank, some from a protein skimmer and some that somehow come from a power head that is totally submerged in the tank. I haven¡¯t been able to figure out why.
The fish are swimming around fine their appetites are good. The regal tang and the yellow tang seem to have become friends and they honestly look as if they are scratching each other. They occasionally rub up against the live rock or other structure..
I have lowered my salinity to .o21.
I have a book that suggests a freshwater dip. Anyone had any success with this?
Freshwater Dip
5 quarts of fresh water w/same PH and temp
1 quart of saltwater from the tank
Put the fish in for 5-10 min then place in a QT tank or return into display tank.
I have though about doing this in combination with a hypo treatment but only if they get worse.
Any thoughts?


Active Member
When fish have Ich or most other skin diseases it is very common for them to rub themselves up against rocks or something, as a natural way to scratch themselves or to rub the parasite off.
I dont know about freshwater dips but im sure beth and terry do!