another problem....please please read


while i was at work, i decided to return the eel and the angel....
when i came home my eel was fine...but my angel was just hiding in the back under a rock.somewhere where i've never seen her...she is always comming to say hello....atleast if i stay still....not once......i'm gonna return her tomorrow....i jsut hate to because she is so pretty....i feel bad....anyways......can i put her into a bucket of water? of RO water? and maybe a powerhead? well ----, i cant because i ahve to get salt in the water and heat it some how...(dont have a extra there anyway to keep her over night safe? what can i do? just hope for the best?
my nitrites are .50 and my ammonia is .25......
just incase anyone cares.....


Active Member
I thouht that earlier you had posted that the water had tested fine?? I think that the best course of action is to remove all fish until your tank is ready.


no......they did test fine..until yesturday morning.......
i'm going to take them back.....
but what can i do in the mean time?
i'm running the protein skimmer.......can i take the angel out?
oh dear...............


Active Member
Well if you can do a water change that will bring the levels down for the time being.


can i put her into a bucket of water? of RO water? and maybe a powerhead?
No it would have to be saltwater first of all and would need a heater before it would need a powerhead.
It sounds to me like you do not need to wait until tomorrow to get them back to the lfs. They need to go now. Then get your water cycled with the shrimp method and get the water chemistry/quality all straightened out.
Remember you are playing with another living being here not just a plastic toy. It would be like somone tying you to a post and slowly lowering a weight on top of you and telling "I will get you out of there tomorrow." If you are still alive that is.


Active Member

Originally posted by frozenguy
just incase anyone cares.....

Sorry, frozenguy, you need to lose this particular attitude. People have been helping you and being very concerned for the last two days, and now it seems this will continue until tomorrow? She may not be alive tomorrow, she is ill, and putting her in a bucket overnight may not help things at all.
People have given lots of advice, and, from the start, the advice was "take them back." ASAP. In fact, I think it was suggested even before the levels started going up significantly.
The ammonia is not good, going in a bucket is only so much better....what more do you want people to tell you? She needs to get back into a stable, secure environment ASAP.
Why wasn't the protein skimmer on the tank already? It won't help now, it might have helped before, if only a little.
People certainly do care. Don't threaten us with that guilt when it is your own. If you want another person to blame, go to the guy who sold them to you. People are extremely frustrated out here, at least I am. And I am sure that is coming through. Sorry, but that is the way it is.


Member don't have ANOTHER problem. You have the same 3 you've had from the git'go 1.) Your tank wasn't cycled. 2.) you bought TOO MANY fish. 3.) You haven't taken anybodies advice and taken them back


ok.....when i said
just incase anyone cares
truthfully i didn't mean it with an attitude....
i was talking about the new levels that someone might want to know......i wasn't trying to put any blame or guilt on anyone........
i am tryign to bring them back...i would have......but my cars in the shop and i have work and school.....there isn't any way i can get there......i'm bring them in today anyways........
the angel is doing so much better after i did a 5 gallon water change and put the skimmer on....
i didn't put the skimmer on before because then i wouldn't be able to close the lid on the eclipse tank but i decided the skimmer was a little more important....there is a lot of brown water in the collection cup....i never knew that much waste could be taken out of clear water........the angel is very active and behavior looks great, levels ahve gone down substantially....i'm still taking them back to the lfs to see if they will hold them.......
is it really all that unrealistic to ask an lfs to hold my fish?
also, i have been very appreciative
sorry if i havn't sound it.....
i've been stressing out about this.......i cant sleep, last night at like 1 in the morning i ran out and bought 5 gallons of water to do a change today.....i didn't mean waht i said to have an attitude, i was meant to sound like something totaly different....sorry again........