another question are wet/dry filters good for SW tanks?


i have 2 marineland penguin 350's with bio wheels on there now but i was wondering if a wet/dry filter is better


Active Member
for a fish only tank, either would work, I prefer a wet dry, but in a reef tank either of those will produce too much nitrate.


I agree completely. i have a wet dry and my nitrates are really high and tough to control. i've been reading a lot about it and i'm in the process of removing the bio balls all together and eventually replacing with LR.


I have a ? to though about the bio balls. Mine are above the water line, do you mean to put the LR there? I would think I should have it in the base under the bio balls.


Active Member
i removed the bioballs...but i have BASE rock in my sump..near the pump and where the balls were...doesnt really matter where they are. i also have 55-60lbs of lr in the tank.
i say base rock because live rock most people think of is covered with coraline algae...which needs light...or it will die off and be base rock. so just get base rock and save some cash for a fish/coral


70 gallon you see in the pic I just took the air strip out and added the HOB Skimmer I have (CPR Bak-Pak 2
w/ Accela pump) Just waiting a bit to see if the bubbles stop as my water is hard.
I dont have any LR as of yet just the 2 fish (Kupang Dam and Sixline) and 3 Hermits since I wanted to see if the wrasse would try and eat them like he did to my cleaner shrimp.
Hasnt bothered them! LMAO
So once this skimmer stops spittin bubbles I will be looking to make it a reef tank.
BTW you in Naples or Fort Myers? LOL


Active Member
im in naples...55g/sump/refuge/remora c skimmer
ive got 5 fish(maroon clown,eibli angel,fairy wrasse,hawaiian blue puffer and a lawnmower blenny)
bunch of inverts

ever have any questions you can email me at


Will do! Thanks, nice tank.
Just wondering if you know of any good LFS in the area to get ready to go cured LR. I mean really tank ready cuz I dont have anything to cure it in as of now I want to be able to put it right in my main tank. Mine is kind of empty due to me just upgrading from a 30gallon that was full with all the stuff I have in the 70 now and only the poor 2 fishies! LMAO
This is going to be over the next 3 months and I have a 20lb base rock that I hav e had in the system allready for over 2 years and LS that just needs pods in it as well as me wating on a mag5 return pump. LOL then I can get the SUPM working again.
Thanks for the email you are added to my contacts in my gmail JSYK my email is