Another Question for you all....


New Member
Hey everyone..Thanks so much for helping me out with my first question about the type of tank I'll be getting soon..
Ive spoken to a friend of mine (who I totally forgot has this absolutely GIGANTIC tank built into his wall, and he's had it for a few years) and he'll help me here and there with setting up the tank...
Im going to go w/ a 20 gal hexagon tank...
I think Im going to go with Just fish in the tank (was it referred to as live rock or coral or something?) I wanted to know if any of you suggest some really bright vivid colored fish...
You know, the bright blues, magentas, purples...Id like for them to be able to pretty much eat the same what fishes are compatible with each other?
*Even if this site doesnt have the pics of these fish up, Id love to find some new suggestions..
Thanks in advance.


A yellowtail damsel is pretty bright although its a very territorial fish. Its a bright neon blue with a canary yellow tail. Can't miss it. You could put a flame angel in a tank that small I think. Those fish are gorgeous, and stay small.


New Member
You could try some damsels, or clowns ( in the damsel family), but I wouldn't try anything else in the tank. It is so tall you will have trouble getting good circulation throughout the entire tank. Also, it is small, so the small fluctuations in water chemstry and temp and salinity that would have little if any effect on a larger tank will cause big problems here. The species suggested will be hardy and will be your best bet for keeping alive.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
In that small of a tank I would recommend against a damsel. You could get one with other fish, but the damsel would most likely keep them at bay and hidden. Some fish I would recommend... there are many small colorful gobies with character, percula or ocellaris clownfish, six-line wrasse, royal gramma... the list goes on. I would also stay away from any of the dwarf angels. It is very possible, but i wouldn't recommend it for a beginner.
Good luck, and whatever you do, do research on any fish before buying it, particularly it's adult size and care requirements.
Remember the key...
and lots of reserach ;)


I would not recommend an angel as they are fragile. These fish can get ich very easily and being in a 20 gal might stress them and stress can bring on ich. a pair of percula clowns might work but that would be all I would put in there. These clowns are great to have and watch and easy to care for. If you get a mated pair you will have lots of fun with these fish. Good luck