another question.


i am getting my tank very very soon. prom is on the 19th so prolly the following friday. how long can i keep clown fish an LR with the standard lighting on a 29ga tank? it will be atleast 4 weeks before i can afford to ugrade after the tank an all the LR an cleanup crew


A clownfishes minimum size is 29g. So it can be kept in there long term with no problems.
I hope you are going to cycle it first with a dead uncooked shrimp ofcourse.
Ls and Lr can help the cycle go faster.


If I were you, I would just wait the extra 4 weeks until you get the larger set up. It will be easier on you and less stressful on the fish not having to disrupt them by moving them from the 29 to the larger tank. LR is another thing, no harm in getting it early, that way you can have it cured and waiting for your bigger tank. JMO.


i may get a 25tall and this is my big tank. if i dont get a SW tank i will get a 55gallon an get a bunch of albino oscars, they are fun to watch eat


Two problems, first, you really should not get a tall tank, especially for SW. Second, a 55 for Oscars, even one, is too small. Oscars get huge, 12" + and a 55 is only 12" from front to back, you do the math. Why not get a 55 for SW? Better yet, get a 75.


well i was going to get about 10-15 baby oscars and when they got big just throw em in the pond. and a i cant afford to fill a 55ga with LR, LS, the pumps, lights ETC. What is so wrong with a 25tall? the nano cubes are tall


That will surprise some fisherman who catches it.:D
I seen this huge koi in this forest preserve Lake before.
Must have been someones pet.
I tried to hook it ofcourse.
I would have set him free.
I love fishing.:)