another question


when doing a 15%-20% water change.. do i funnel the water from the top of the tank to not touch the sand bed.. or
should i do it at the bottom to clean the bed?
thanks for all your answers..


DON'T touch the LS bed! Just take the water from mid tank range. The more you mess with the LS bed the longer it will take to start working...and the less bio action will will have. HTH


Speaking of water changes, I just did my first one yesterday. Did about a 50% change. Used the Python to pump the water out of the tank and took if from Mid-Top tank level. I had pre-mixed 20 gals. of salt-water in 5 gal. buckets and just dumped them into the tank as slowly as I could to not cause a sandstorm and to not disturb anything. I waited for the new water to get to within about 2 degrees of the tank water before I put it in. My one Damsel got a little stressed and turned black for about 10 mins after pouring in the new water. I do not have a drilled tank, or a sump. What is the best way for me to get new water into the tank? Should I get a pump and just stick it in each 5gal. bucket until it's empty and move it to the next? Would probably be less disturbing to the tank that way rather than pouring from the bucket, right?


a portion of my sump where the water that drains from the main tank does not have ny sand in it. I pour my water there. No sand storm or anything.


Plate is a good idea, but its next to impossible to hold a 5 gal. bucket of water over the tank to pour the water in with one hand to allow myself to hold a plate with another, hahaha..
Would my pump idea work? just get a pump and hook a hose up to it to pump water from my 5 gal buckets into the tank, then I could use a plate if that was still too harsh.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by bergshawn
Plate is a good idea, but its next to impossible to hold a 5 gal. bucket of water over the tank to pour the water in with one hand to allow myself to hold a plate with another, hahaha..
Would my pump idea work? just get a pump and hook a hose up to it to pump water from my 5 gal buckets into the tank, then I could use a plate if that was still too harsh.

Pump sounds like a good idea. Actually, with the amount of water for the change it is probably the only way to go. Lots better than using a galloon Jug that I use.
On the plate, depending on how flat the bottom of your tanks is, I just place the plate on the bottom. That way you do not have to hold it with one hand. Also, I have used those clear plastic plates with vertical sides used to set flower pots in. They are like 30 cents each. Plus they float at least until they are full of water. ( and you don't have to worry about the wife 'commenting' on the use of human plates for that filthy old aquarium water LOL).


I pour from a 5 gal bucket as well. I just take my time and there is no disturbance at all. The key is to do it slowly. If the bucket gets heavy stop after half way done and resume five minutes later. Whenever I got impatient I kicked up the sand. Hope this helps. One day I will pump it in.


Yeah I did mine slowly also, and it didn't kick up hardly any sand at all, but the water got real cloudy after the water change and took a few hours to get back to half-way normal. Just all of the stuff on the rocks kicked up cause my LR is a hair above half-tank level.
If I were to get a pump, what type of pump should I get, and where should I get it? And what will I need besides the pump and a hose? Never had to buy a pump before so don't know what to get, lol :)


Thats a good point about the lr. That was not the case for me. I am adding about 75lbs of lr so I will be in the same boat as you. I will watch the responses as well.