another refugium lighting question


I have approx 10-15 gallon fuge. I have chaeto in it. My 7100k 24 watt PC was destoyed becuase I am a moron and dropped it in the fuge. I no have an NO 15 watt flourescent on it. Do you think this is enough or should I get another light.


I know that there are cheap alternatives and thanks for the advice. I just wanted to know if my current setup is good enough or if I need more lighting.


Active Member
I don't know, 15watts NO is not much light at all. it may be enough to sustain hair algae, but I doubt very much that it would be enough for caulerpa.


Active Member
From my experience so far cheato is one of the more light loving macros. I have it in my fuge and my main tank. The fuge is 30 gallons and has 60 watts of compact florescent daylight bulbs like the ones mentioned above. The cerlupra in the fuge does well the cheato not so well.
The cheato in my main tank under PCs does much better and thats despite the fact it gets munched on here and there by various live stock. So I would say yes, get some more light on the cheato.

salty tank

I have an 18 watt light and it works great for algeas and there is coraline on the base rock i put in there. Im sure the more the better but i think it will be fine.