Another Remora Question


I was wondering if it's normal for the Remora Pro to produce a dark green liquid in the cup instead of foam? It makes foam at the top of the tube, but then it seems to melt into this brownish-green sludge.
Also, about how high is your collection cup from the skimmer body? I'm not sure if there's an average height for maximun performance. Thanks.


Active Member
how often do you empty your collection cup? i've got a remora and a berlin turbo, and if i let either of them go for more than a day the foam starts to turn into sludge as new foam pushes the older skinmate down to the bottom of the cup. with the remora you want the cup as high as possible without it being out of the water/foam level inside the skimmer.


I empty it whenever the green liquid gets too high (easier to handle). In fact, I've never seen foam in the bottom of the cup, only at the top of the tube. I would keep on raising the cup but it's already pretty high.
At least it's doing something...that's more than I can say for my old Seaclone.