Another sand question


New Member
In the process of converting freshwater to saltwater, I am ready to add my sand. Should the live sand be just put in as the top layer or should it be mixed in with the dead sand?
Also, do most of you place LR on top of sand or place it on the tank bottom first?

bang guy

Live sand should be placed on top.
If you're going to keep any animals that dig then you should place the rock on the bottom. If not, then placing the rock on top of the sand makes better use of your rock.


I would prefer to place the dead sand (preferabley pre cured) in first the place the live sand on top. This will cut down on the cloudiness.
I also like to place a sheet of eggcrate down so that no rocks can strike the bottom of the glass. If you go this route then cut the eggcrate about an inch or so away from the sides of the glass.
Rocks should be placed on top and then pressed down a small ways into the sand to give it a stability.


New Member
Thanks guys for your input. I'll be using 20lbs. of Arag-Alive to hopefully have a faster cycle time.