Another Skimmer question


I have been reading old threads about suggestions of skimmers. I am partial to a hang-on for my 110g reef. I think I have narrowed it down to an Octopus hang-on, model HB 300 dual, or the BH300f. I like the 300f a little more because of the internal pumps. Most I have found are around $150.00. Do you guys agree that this is one of the best skimmers in the price range, or would you suggest something else?


I like the 300F better. It is a lot better design plus the pumps are internal. It is large but one of the better HOBs for the money.
I do not own this skimmer but I have seen it in action.


If you plan on doing a reef tank a skimmer is just one of those thing you don't want to skimp on (along with lighting), with that said take a look at the new ATB hang on back i think its going to set the new benchmark for hang on skimmer.


Active Member
what do u think about this, Reef Octopus NW 110 Needle Wheel Protein skimmer for a 40g breeder tank thats gonna be fowlr?


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
its goin in a 20g long sump, with a 40g breeder DT
Go with the NW150 for the extra $30 and that with give you all the power you'd need if (when lol) you upgrade or deside to get in to coral


Active Member
ahh, this tank, when we move, is goin to be set up in our bedroom, which is going to mirror the zen motif we have goin on right now lol, the living room will then have 2 very large tanks in it, both goin to be reef, with separate sumps an skimmers for them.
ok, next question, what size pump would u recommend? i was contemplating a mag 7, and plan on havin 2 koralia 1's inside the tank, would that generate enough flow do u think? remember, this tank will never have corals in it LOL


A mag7 with a 4foot head pumps 480GPH the K 1's are 400GHP each i would say yes that would be good heathy flow.


Active Member
sweet, cause i know where i can get the koralia 1's for 22 bucks each, roughly LOL an the mag 7 for, i wanna say 50 bucks LOl brand new, full warranty LOL


hm, my LFS sells k4's for $30. and k1's for i think $15.
i noticed that a lot of placed have high prices on them.


Originally Posted by Shaggyblz
Ordered the Octopus BH300f today. I'll let you guys know how it performs.
For the money, I think you will be happy. The only weak point is the ReSun 225 pumps. I would suggest buying a spare pump. They are cheap and good insurance if you have one that fails.