Another Snake Question


I would not mess with him. He has the head of a viper. Probably a diamondback. But don't quote me on that.

nemo lover

Could be a type of viper. Look at the head between the eyes and nostrils. Does it have pits? If it has pits its a some type of viper. This pit is heat sensitive and thats what they use to track warmblooded prey.
Soma -then what kind of snake is it?

nemo lover

The head looks like the shape of a cotton mouth. If you are looking at it from above do you see the eyes? is the top of the head flat? does it have larger scales on the top of the head than towards the back of the body?

nemo lover

damn do you have to be so rude? I didn't say it was a cotton mouth I said the head looks like the SHAPE of one. I said nothing about the markings. Isnt one of the ways you can tell a non-venomous water snake form a venomus one by the pits? Also can't you tell a non poisonous watersnake from a poisonous one by where there eyes are?


New Member
With some water snakes its hard to tell, like for instance the northern water snake resembles a cotton a lot, the size, pattern, head shape, color. But the easiest way to tell is to look directly at the eyes if they have a slant at the top of the eye it is poisonous. If the eyes are rounded like in the pic above its not poisonous. From the first pic on the this topic its hard to see the eyes so im not sure. Or you can play with it and get it to strike and see if the fangs come out (which I don’t suggest). Most dangerous animals will avoid a confrontation with mankind unless provoked, or in fear of their lives, which then they will strike. I am a reptile person in general. I respect them a lot. They are one of the neatest creatures put on this earth.

nemo lover

oh- I was talking about water snakes. One of the ways here in Florida we can tell a plain water snake from a moccasin is the pits.


New Member
you have cottonmouths, copperheads, and timber rattlers, they are all throughout the midwest. You just have to go to the right place to see one. Normally down by a water front, like in the weeds and areas where there arent alot of people. :D


So..... Bradttu,
What ever happened with the snake encounter? Poisonous or not, I hope you and your family are alright.