Another Southdown Success Story


Well after reading the multitude of posts on the subject, I decided to use Southdown Tropical Playsand as my substrate for the new tank I am setting up after I move. (Moving March 1st)
My new tank is going to be a 75Gallon All-Glass Twinflo model with built in overflow.
I live near Louisville, Kentucky so obtaining Southdown was proving to be a problem. That is, until I find this nice Operations Manager at the Home Depot on Dixie Highway that said "Yeah I can order that stuff in." I told him I wanted 6 bags and he said let him track some down and call him back.
Well, suffice it to say I am the proud new owner of 500 lbs of Southdown for my new setup.
I figure that will be enough to supply my DSB for my main tank and my 20G refugium both. :p :cool:


Good show!:D If it were me I would get that person who helped you out a thank you card, and send one to the store manager on how helpful the employee was to you. Trust me on this as a little bit of thanks like that will go a long way for moral and someones spirits.
Good job getting the southdown, I think you will like it.


Active Member
You got some! I've been working for months with a couple of people up here in Muncie, and we almost have enough to get a transfer. Whoo-Hoo! Congrats on your sand.


Kipass4130: The sand that is currently in my 20L is going into the 75 so I guess that counts as seeding it
Thomas712: Good thought...luckly it is only one card cause the guy that helped me is the Store Operations Manager :p