Another Stocking Question


Yes you can have a dwarf angel with a large angel, and you are correct, a small fish isn't going to get large over night. Even if you plan on getting a larger tank, do take this advice, no more fish that get larger than half a foot or so because it isn't just that these fish are small, but they still need room to stretch there legs.


Active Member
I think taking the grouper back is a wise decision. However, though I understand you intend to get a larger tank, I still encourage you to stock THIS tank as though you are not getting a larger tank. It is very very common for people to think they will upgrade, and stock their smaller tank with this intention. But if you are, then just wait until you have the bigger tank to get some of these fish. Why cramp what you have, and risk crashing the tank?
Actually many fish can grow quite large quite fast under ideal, uncrowded conditions, which is a good sign. Slow growth is not necessarily something to strive for, IMO.