Another stupid question

As seen in my other posts, I am getting a 75 gallon soon, complete with 2 clownfish, white cheek tang, maybe some cleaner wrasses, purple psuedo fish, and cleanup crew. Later, when the pod population has grown, I will add a mandarinfish. I was looking at pics of butterfly fish and find them to be quite pretty and supoosedly peaceful to other fish. Do you think that I could be able to add one to my tank? And which one would be best. Thanx for the input!


It depends on the butterflyfish. Most of them are expensive and die within a week or so. Or they'll slowly starve to death. In nature, they're corrallivores, meaning they live on eating corals, anemones, etc. They eat a lot of them. Very few will take to frozen foods, and most starve to death.
I also think that might be overstocking a bit. Perhaps if you got a small one, like a corallicola it would be okay. They're hearty as well and usually adapt fairly well to an aquarium. Most of the really pretty butterflies you see in pictures will die in your tanks. They're the pipedream of many an aquariest.


I agree. I love looking at them, which is why I refuse to get one. I couldn't stand watching it die, knowing that I was the cause of it.