Another Tankmate...


I have a 75 gallon with a Fu Manchu Lionfish
and a Honeycomb Puffer
. Is there a possibility for another aggressive tank mate? I was thinking of an eel, but the girlfriend would literally stop coming over to my house
so thats outta the question.
Any other suggestions?

I would prefer to keep the feeding to proteins. Right now I can feed my tank omega3 krill and everyone is happy.


Trigger, grouper, lg angel... just keep in mind that they grow large and you will need to upgrade your tank soon. :) ...or just another tank! (good excuse)


Originally Posted by cpbirds407
Trigger, grouper, lg angel... just keep in mind that they grow large and you will need to upgrade your tank soon. :) ...or just another tank! (good excuse)
I'm going to stick with this size tank. I would love to get one of those three, but unfortunately, if I move it would be across a couple states, and I don't think that large of a fish would handle the move as well.


Active Member
Hawkfish, maroon or tomato clown, one of the smaller wrasses, dwarf angel, I think you could add two more fish no problem, maybe even three as long as your water quality stays good. I would go for the wrasse or angelfish if you want something really active.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Hawkfish, maroon or tomato clown, one of the smaller wrasses, dwarf angel, I think you could add two more fish no problem, maybe even three as long as your water quality stays good. I would go for the wrasse or angelfish if you want something really active.
All great choices. I think a large goldstripe maroon, even tho fairly common, is as good looking as anything that swims; except for a few of the "Bond Girls". Very hardy, and the colors would compliment what you have. A pair or trio (just 1 M.) of smaller anthis would be nice too, like carberryis. Not the easiest fish, but they tend to swim out and away from the rockwork--often vacant space.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
All great choices. I think a large goldstripe maroon, even tho fairly common, is as good looking as anything that swims; except for a few of the "Bond Girls". Very hardy, and the colors would compliment what you have. A pair or trio (just 1 M.) of smaller anthis would be nice too, like carberryis. Not the easiest fish, but they tend to swim out and away from the rockwork--often vacant space.
Wouldn't my lionfish eat the anthias?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kayak385
Wouldn't my lionfish eat the anthias?
How big is your Fu Man Chu? I don't think I've ever seen one more than 4" or so. I did a quick check and found a few sites that say 4" is about max; another said 8". Most smaller anthias are sold at 2-3"; so they should be fine. Unless you have a monster Fu Man Chu.


Mine is about 5 inches. But he did take a 2-3 inch fire shrimp his first night and after that I have been quite scared of putting anything close to that size. Though he hasn't touched my 2in chromis(multi).
I think that Snappers and Groupers would get too big.