another toss up on clownfish


Can I put another oscellaris clown in with the one I already have. It's been in there for about 2 years. I know it's been asked but i've heard nothing definite either way. it's always welll...ya know...uh...maybe.
Thanks for any input,


Read Marine Fish Yearly Or Aquarium fish magaizine. Their Ideal 55 is a purple tang, 2 percs, a Koran Angel, and A copperband butterfly. Now granted that is just an example...and I wouldn't add a large butterfly but with new filtration the old rule has been modified. I know what I am doing. I promise I wont hurt my fish.


ummmmmmmm . . . a purple tang is ideal for a 55 gal? i question the mag then. nothing personal. from what i have read here, this bbs is all about the quality of life for our critters. yes i know it can never compare to the real ocean . . . all the same what i have always tired to do is make sure they have a large enough home so they do not get stressed. also i plan on my fish surviving to reach full size. does not always work. carpet surfing is a favorite past time. tangs are free swimming fish. purples can also get quite large. personally, i would not put a tang in a 55 gal aquarium. they need more space than that. I am agreeing with exite here on this one, same thing for the Koran.
the filtration is not really an issue. think on this. i put you and 5 complete strangers in a 10 x 10 foot room. you have a tv for things to do, a tolet to take care of the problems and food is dropped from above. always fried chicken. while you can survive under this conditions will you be happy. ok so i upgrade the "filtration" i throw a shower in there. so now you are clean, you get fed and there is a way to remove the waste. I'm betting you will still be unhappy. why? cause you do not have any space. same thing for a 55 gal. it is a great tank. i loved mine had lots of fun with it. you just should not put large fish in one. just my .02


How exactly is a purple tang, koran angel, copperband butterfly, and 2 percs in a 55 ideal? A koran angel can get up to 15 inches, the purple tang will get pretty big and needs alot of room, and the butterfly gets big too. None of them should be in a 55g tank for long, let alone life. If you are upgrading very soon, fine, but if you aren't, then you are in for some trouble very soon.