Another UCO!!!!


Active Member
UCO= Unidetified Crawling Object!
I was watching my 45 gallon reef tank yesterday when I noticed the sand bed squirming, and a little mouth appeared. Very very tiny....The mouth looked like a star polyp, but had maybe 10 tentacles, and the mouth was trimmed in what looked like tiny little teeth.....(probally not actual teeth, but thats what they looked like)
It was very tiny...hardly an inch long. I only saw it's tiny mouth a couple of times and then it dissapered into the substrate.
I did not attempt to scoop it up because I am guessing that is a medusa worm. Any other ideas?


Active Member
Close, but not sure. It wasn't as dark as the peanut worm. And from the little the poked out I could make up verticals stripes that were grayish to cream.