My little "stick man" as my daughter calls it was zapped by another denizen of the rock about a week after my question. The zapper was white with a long "fishing line".
But as I was cleaning the algae from the glass the beginning of this week I spotted 5 more of the skeleton shrimp on the rocks. So yes they are reproducing. They bow to me every time I put plankton into the tank. I am putting things into the tank piece by piece, and so far so good. My live rock has even given me a white brittle star. It is about 1/2 inch from leg tip to leg tip. I have 2 small Xenias, polyps, small mushrooms & zoos. 2 clowns, 2 watchman, snails, and crabs. I am going to put more in more invertebrates and corals, but not for awhile. Letting the tank equalize again.