anouther porkky question


I have a spare tank just sitting around:D anyway I just love porkys, they are sooo danggg cute, my main tank is a community tank so No porkys aloud!! MY empty tank is a 50gal tall octigon tank Would that tank be ok for a porky or not?


Active Member
You may be able to keep a very small one in there for a while, but he will eventually outgrow that size tank. Over the last 2 years mine has grown almost as much in width and height, as he has in length. Keep in mind that they get huge, at least 12", and will need a large tank in the long run.


ok thanks I will just leave it an empty tank. Maybe someday I will have a larger tank and make it aggresive.


Active Member
Why leave the tank empty? There are several fish that are interesting that could be kept in a 50 octo tank. You could look into dwarf lion, anglers, and hawkfish.


Active Member
There's always the toby puffers like the valentini or fiji. Beautiful fish with lots of character.