Antenna Lion hurt


New Member
I've had an Antenna Lion in my tank for about a month now. I also have a Lemon Peel in there. The Lemon Peel has picked on the Lion a little bit, but the Lion would defend itslef. Well, yesterday it looks like the Lemon got the best of the Lion and went after his eyes. The Lion's eye's are clowded over and the center of them look like they are torn and pulled back. I have the Lion in a quarantine tank, but I can definitely tell he can't see.
Is there anything I can do? Will he heal?


Wow, what a mean Lemon Peel!! I must say I've never heard this one before. Sounds like your lion has a fungal infection in his/her eye from the trauma. I think the most important thing is to make sure the fish is eating to get enough nutrition to heal. Once it stops eating it is toast. Don't even think about placing it back in the tank with the angel. Are you sure the lemon peel was picking on his eye?


Make sure the water in the QT is kept in perfect condition, and I would do regular water changes to help with recovery too. An antibiotic might be needed if the eye doesn't seem to be clearing up. Also, keep the lighting in this tank either very dim or off. As far as healing, the eye should clear, but whether or not the physical damage (center of the eye torn and pulled back) will heal and he will be able to see again is anybody's guess.
Good luck!


New Member
Yes... I actually witnessed the Lemon go right after his eye... When I saw that happen I got the Lion out of there into a Q-tank. He hasn't eaten because he can't see. I gave him a live ghost shrimp and the shrimp crawled right up to his mouth and it seemed as though the lion didn't know it was there. I also tried one on a feeding stick but the lion still wouldn't take it. I am using Maracyn2 which seems to be helping a bit with the cloudiness in the eye, but the holes in the eyes are still visible. I really don't think he is going to make it. If he does I am definitly not going to put him back in that tank.