Antennata or Radiata Lion?


I know the Antennata is a little bit hardier, but are either of these 2 compatible with the following:
Grey Angel
Minatius Grouper
Picasso Trigger
Yellow Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
These are in a 240 8ft long tank. I am mostly worried about the tangs and angels swimming so much it would prevent a fish like a lion from coming out to feed. I am pretty sure ghost shrimp wouldn't last too long in this tank either.


The Trigger is what you have to really worry about when it comes to a Lion. Triggers are not friendly fish and Lions' flowing fins are mighty tempting for a Trigger.


I though the picasso is one the few triggers that are mild mannered. He gets alright with my other fish.


it's also a slight possibility depending on your angels personality for them to pick on lions as well. if your gonna do it i'd try the ant. lion, but i wouldn't suggest it.


Thanks guys, I will take it to heart and not get any lion fish. They are beautiful fish though, but I would rather not get rid of any more fish. Already had to trade my eel, and you know what, you get attached to these guys.