Antennata's How big do they get & who will not get eaten ?

I saw this antennata and just had to have him. Problem started with my cleaner shrimp
being snacked on minutes upon his arrival into tank. LFS said he will get 5 inches max
his tankmates are 1 Tomatoe Clown,1 Purple Firefish,1 Manderine 1 Dwarf Cleaner Wrasse
1 small Naso Tang 1 Large Coral Beauty.
Tank set up is a 46 gal bowfront with 3.5 in
live sand base 49.5 lbs of cured live rock
My question is are his tankmates gonna be safe or am I gonna have to buy a seperate tank ???Any advice will be greatly appreciated. :confused:


From my studies, he can get up to 7.9 inches. And yes, you better get another tank, most of your other fish are going to become lunch!


LionFish says......
Ah I have an Antennata at the time. They really are cool fish aren't they. But unfortunately you did the number 1 nono in the hobby. You should always research a fish before you buy it. Because now your fish are in danger from one helluva hunter. Those suckers can get larger than 8 inches and they are too friendly to inverts and small fish. They need a minimum of a 55 gallon tank but I recommend a 75 because it gives them enough room to swim in. You better get a seperate tank. But by the time you get it up and cycled your firefish, wrasse, mandarin, and possibly your clown could all be gone. Please research a fish before you buy it.
Thanks for the info, I guess I'm gonna trade him or start a new tank for him. If I start a new tank I think my wife will put me in the doghouse. :rolleyes: