Antenneta lion won't eat ghost shrimp!


I just dropped a ghost shrimp in front of my A. lion and it didn't eat it. It had 2 shrimp this morning. Am I feeding it too much?:notsure: Maybe it just wasn't hungry. Anyway, it appears to be acting normal and the tank parameters are OK. My question is to those of you who have lions. What is your feeding schedule like and how much food do you feed your lions?


A. lions are also called red volitans lions. The difference is that the volitan's fins are webbed,the A. lions are not. Also,the A. lion will only grow to about 7", while the volitans can grow to 16" or larger. It ate just fine this morning, so I guess she just wasn't hungry last night. Heck, I thought fish were ALWAYS hungry


sorry cubfans- thats a P Volitans, not to be confused w/ a P Antennata.
two totally different fish and two totally different looks. No one has ever called a red morph P volitan a P. antennata and vice-versa. You were given wrong information. The good news is almost all lions require the same husbdandry.
This fish you've have (and shes a beauty) is a red morph P Volitans and will reach approx 15" in 1.5 yrs. AS you mention a P. antennata wil reach a max of 7-8" and has a very different pectoral fin. On antennatas the pec fin rays are webbed only to 1/3 to 1/2 way up an which point the rays are individualized. The webbing also has eyespots. A P Volitans has individual rays each wrapped in a thin membrenous veil.


AAAAARGH!!! I knew right after I hit the submit button that damon was right!! Sorry, man!
She's still a georgeous fish and I'm glad she's in my tank. She will be the only inhabitant, so as she grows, the bioload will still be OK. Thanks for setting me straight, Frank.


I'll keep her in the 30 probably until Spring. Then, I'll have enough money to put the 75 in place. However, if my wife really loves me, maybe I'll get the 75 for Christmas!!! :jumping: :cheer:


Now that we've correctly identified poor Lola, is feeding 2 ghost shrimp per day adequate. How does everyone else feed their lions? How much? When? Those are the types of answers I'm looking for. Thanks!


keep feedimg until u see a slight bulge in their belly. Some people just dump them in and the lion gets some but some get away and get eaten later.


New Member
I have only had my V. Lion for a month. He is about 6 inches and very healthy. He was eating both guppies and freeze dried krill at the lfs. I eventually had him switch entirely to the krill and used the guppies as a treat. Try to entice your lion to the top of the tank and slam the food in the tank to simulate a live feed and see if your fish will take it. It worked with my lion when he switched entirely to krill.


Active Member
I have had mine for 2 years and found that he eats on his own schedule. Sometimes he will eat 3 days in a row and then not eat for another 3. The trick is to feed only enough to keep them sustained. As mentioned above, only feed Lola until there is a bulge in her belly. Anything more than that is trouble. As they age, Ive found they tend to eat less at a time but eat more frequently. Nice looking lion also.


I had a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion that would not eat anything but live,so after awhile if he didnt eat what i put in the tank so be it so he got the hint and started eating Krill.